Ted Talks Pets
Dive into the captivating realm of pets and their influence on our lives with a selection of enlightening TED Talks. These presentations explore various topics, from the hidden behaviors of dogs to the emotional support provided by cats, highlighting the complex bond we share with our animal companions. Discover cutting-edge research, the challenges pet owners face, and the evolving landscape of pet care. Whether you're a passionate dog enthusiast or a devoted cat lover, these talks provide new insights into the joys and responsibilities that come with pet ownership.
The History Of The World
According To Cats
In ancient times, wildcats were fierce carnivorous hunters. And unlike dogs, who have undergone centuries of selective breeding, modern cats are genetically very similar to ancient cats. How did these solitary, fierce predators become our sofa sidekicks?
How Dogs See
With Their Noses?
You may have heard the expression that dogs 'see with their noses.' But these creature's amazing nasal architecture actually reveals a whole world beyond what we can see. Alexandra Horowitz illustrates how the dog's nose can smell the past, the future and even things that can't be seen at all.
Why Do Cats Act So Weird
They're cute, they're lovable, and judging by the 26 billion views on over 2 million YouTube videos of them, one thing is certain: cats are very entertaining. But their strange feline behaviors, both amusing and baffling, leave many of us asking: Why do cats do that? Tony Buffington explains the science behind some of your cat's strangest behaviors.
Can Animals Be Deceptive?
A male firefly emits a series of enticing flashes. He hopes a female will respond and mate with him. A female from a different species mimics his patterns: by tricking the male, she lures him in -- and turns him into a meal. Where else do we see this kind of trickery in the animal kingdom? Eldridge Adams details the surprising complexity of how animals manipulate predators, prey and their rivals.
How Do Animals
Experience Pain?
Humans know the surprising prick of a needle, the searing pain of a stubbed toe, and the throbbing of a toothache. We can identify many types of pain and have multiple ways of treating it — but what about other species? How do the animals all around us experience pain?
Why Animals Help Each Other
Charles Darwin introduced the notion of “survival of the fittest,” where the fittest animals are those who can survive long enough to produce healthy offspring. The fittest animal can also be the most stealthy, resourceful, or even the most cooperative. So what exactly does cooperation look like in the wild? Ashley Ward digs into the animal kingdom's capacity for generosity.
Do Animals Have Language?
All animals communicate. But do they have language? Michele Bishop details the four specific qualities we associate with language and investigates whether or not certain animals utilize some or all of those qualities to communicate.
Always Love Your Pet